Saturday, May 12, 2012

Systems Theory

From our reading and class discussion we cleaned about Systems Theory which looks at the family as a whole and then we broke it down into the Family Systems Theory. In the Family Systems Theory we learned or was brought to our attention that there are roles/rules for each family and then there are individual roles. Growing up I always noticed each sibling at a different role or back then I would have said characteristic that they brought to the family either negative or positive. I have one brother and he loved to bring us together as a family whether it was wrestling and making us laugh or just being the protective brother he was. He could sit and listen and then give you advice with any situation you were going there. In each family these roles are important because they are teaching moments whether learned right then or years later. We also discussed rules that were spoken and ones you just knew. Some spoken rules were no boys in the house unless mom or dad was home. If they came they had to wait outside in the front yard. There were to be no boys in our rooms at all. I did see how that rule did change as I, the youngest, grew up. Another spoken rule was out of respect my mom liked us to call our leaders by brother or sister followed by last name. Of course this was regarding church. She didn't care whether they said we could call them by there first name she still wanted us to always be respectful in that way. I have enjoyed being able to reflect back to my childhood and recall many experiences regarding both Systems Theory and Family Systems Theory. Another thing that stood out was when we did the role play of a family. When one member was being weighed down with challenges it had an effect on the rest of the family but because we are a system we could help one another and balance one another out. Great way to visualize a situation or put a theory into action.

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