Monday, May 28, 2012

God's Plan

The week of May 14 we focused our discussions around gender and family life. I really liked the scripture  and quote that started and ending our week. Presidency Gordon B. Hinckley says this regarding gender and family, "In his grand design, when God first created man, he created duality of sexes. The ennobling expression of that duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, 'Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord' - 1 corinthians 11:11. There is no other arrangement that meets the divine purposes of the almighty. Man and Woman are his creations. Their duality is his design. Their complementary relationships and functions are fundamental to his purposes. One is incomplete without the other." I really enjoyed this because it states God's plan and how both man and woman need each other and their characteristics to complete and have that foundation for a family.

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