Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 9th-13th Divorce and Remarriage

Contract is when two individuals make an agreement and covenant is a special kind of contract where a  superior sets terms and inferior accepts or doesn't. The word, covenant, is not a religious word and this was new to me since I have only heard it in church. When we make a temple covenant its with God and not our spouse. I have made a covenant with my Heavenly Father that I will cleave unto to my husband and support him throughout our life. I am so grateful for this covenant because it means more to me to have made the covenant with God who knows all and created me rather than making an agreement with man and just signing a piece of paper. I also find it important because with God anything is possible. We will have trials in life, in marriage and in family but when we know we can go to God and receive council we will be able to get through the hard times and become more like our Heavenly Father, which is our goal. I also know that having God at the front of it helps motivate me to be my best and to treat my husband as I should. I hope to be able to share more with those I know how and why my temple covenant means so much to me.

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