Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 18th- June 22nd Power and conflict in marriage

What caught my eye this week in class was when we read and went over the different types of power in marriages. There are Coercive, which is to avoid punishment by spouse, Reward; to obtain rewards from spouse, legitimate; spouse has the right to ask and you have the duty to comply, expert; spouse has special knowledge or expertise, referent; identification with and admiration of, spouse and desire to please her or him and the last one was informational; persuasion by spouse that what spouse wants is in your own best interests.
I have seen all of these powers used in either friends or others around me. I, myself, am guilty of using one or two in my marriage. I am glad that I don't abuse that power but it was necessary for me to see that it can cause conflict and really needs to be controlled. We and our spouse are equal partners and need to really see that. We are there to love and serve each other putting the other before us. As we both look to God and draw closer in our relationship then we won't have any power conflict in our marriage because we are becoming one.

June 11th- June 15th Family Crisis

This week we discussed family crisis. I thought it was a good idea to get into groups and discuss family crisis but then to incorporate the ABCx. A stands for actual events, B behavior response, C cognitions, X was then experience. Each family has experience a family crisis and as we each begin our individual families we will too experience more. It's important we learn that there are two common responses. One that the family will pull away from each other and the second being that they will come together and be a support system. Examples of family stressors are death of a family member, a serious illness, accident, unemployment, unwanted pregnancy, miscarriage, moving, addiction and so on. I know in my family growing up my family experience a few family stressors, but for the most part I felt that we came together as a family and helped one another through it in our own way. We will become united we cannot fall.

June 4th- June 8th Sex Education

We live in a world today that is teaching children about sex at a early age from the world perspective through media, television, movies, and internet. We as parents have a responsibility to rear our children with love and protection. Protection is not withholding information, but rather teaching them by gospel doctrine and principles to help them on a daily basis. We need to not be afraid as parents to inform our children about sex and sexual relations in a bold way. The more children hear it in the home the more comfortable they are going to feel to go to their parents regarding questions or comments they have or have heard from peers. Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to talk to one another regarding when, what, and how they are going to teach their children so that each parent is on the same page and supporting each other regarding this topic. I know that Jared and I have seen why it is important to talk to children and not assume that children will learn on their own. We as parents can't wait to educate our children or else they will learn from those around them.

May 28th-June 1st Delivery Room

Going into class and about half way through I had my mind set that my mom would be in the delivery room when Jared and I had our first child. I have always pictured my mom there by my side and I honestly think it was because everyone else has had their mom there so why not. I thought it was a great idea. Jared and I have talked about the delivery room with our friends and it's funny because the guys say they think they won't be able to handle it and how gross it's going to be. As I sat in class and listened to Brother Williams and his experience and opinion I began to see where he was coming from. Brother Williams said that have husband and wife in the delivery room together and no one else gives it more of a growing opportunity and experience that only comes at that moment. Having a child really only involves the husband and wife. If you think about it parents aren't there when you create the child so having them in the delivery room isn't necessary either. I think it's important to have the support of both parents but when it's just husband and wife then it can be a precious moment as well as sacred. I know my mom wouldn't take away from our special time, but I also know that my mom would want whats best for us. Jared and I need that time to connect with one another and be there when our life is about to change. Thank you Brother Williams for sticking to your opinion and giving me a idea or concept in marriage.